Terms & Conditions

It is assumed that you are the lead contact for your group and that all correspondence or conversations will take place between you and us. These conditions shall form the basis of the agreement for your booking and shall apply to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions whether put forward by you, your group or a third party or whether implied by law. No alteration to these conditions shall be effective unless expressly agreed to in writing by a director of Johnny Throws LTD.

For the cookies policy please go here.

For the privacy policy please go here.


Promotional codes and discounts are not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. 

Bookings without Ticket Protection are ineligible for refunds or rescheduling.

To cancel or change a booking please contact us at

Due to the nature of the business when bookings are confirmed and paid for Johnny Throws LTD immediately incurs expenses and costs directly relating to your booking whilst we prepare for your arrival.

Bookings after this period are non-transferable, except at the complete discretion of Johnny Throws LTD. Only in extenuating circumstances will bookings be considered for transfer and a request is given via email.

Johnny Throws LTD reserves the right to move your booking time or day due to operational needs.

We will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that Johnny Throws LTD operates. However, we reserve the right, in our absolute discretion, whether for safety reasons or otherwise, and with or without prior notice, to cancel any session. In the event of such cancellation, Johnny Throws LTD will fully refund any visitor whose session is cancelled, the cost of his or her prepaid ticket, but otherwise shall have no liability whatsoever, including liability for travel expenses or any other out of pocket expenses, in respect of the cancellation.

All players should arrive at Johnny Throws no less than 15 minutes prior to the playing time.

Please be aware if you miss your scheduled start time you will not be eligible for a later booking or refund.

Johnny Throws LTD will prioritise all customers against their booking times and never allow late running customers to have an impact on later start times. Johnny Throws LTD is not responsible for factors out of its control, for example; late running commuter services, traffic or parking difficulties (this is not an exhaustive list).


Please note that players must be aged 12 years or older. We reserve the right to disallow players who do not meet these requirements, without refund. We reserve the right to disallow play on the day of your event without refund if you or any of your party are deemed by our staff to be physically unfit to play due to injury, illness, pregnancy or other condition. Please contact us in advance if you have any concerns about the health or fitness of any member of the group.

If we think you look under 25 you might be asked for valid ID to prove your age.

We reserve the right to disallow play on the day of your event with no refund if you or any of your party are believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

We reserve the right to halt play and terminate your event with no refund if you or any of your party do not follow instructions from Johnny Throws LTD staff.

Deposits & Confirmation

We require immediate full payment to confirm all bookings. This payment is non-refundable if you are unable to attend the date confirmed.

After a booking has been made Johnny Throws LTD will send a booking confirmation with details of the payment made and also details of the package including dates, number of participants and any other details relevant to the booking. It is the client’s responsibility to check that the details on the confirmation are correct and they must advise Johnny Throws LTD of any inaccuracies within 24 hours of making the booking.

Payment Methods

We can accept payments in the following ways:

By credit card or by debit card. Payments can be made in whole by the group leader or attendees. Refunds to the group leader or attendees may not exceed the total amount that they have paid. If full payment is not received by the date specified by us, then we reserve the right to cancel your reservation and cancellation charges will apply as detailed below.

Changes by You

The time, date and location of your booking cannot be altered, however if you require an alteration, please contact Johnny Throws LTD and we will do our best to accommodate you. Once a booking has been made amendments can only be made with prior agreement from us.

In the unlikely event that our venues terms and/or availability for your group changes after you have made a booking, we will do our utmost to ensure you experience as little disruption as possible. We offer goods and services on behalf of our venues and services and do so in good faith. 

If we are unable to make alternative arrangement in the case of a venue or service cancellation then we will offer an alternative or a refund for that part of your booking. In any event, we shall not be liable for any delays or any failure to perform any of our obligations under these conditions, or any third party obligations, caused by any factor beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of terrorism, natural disasters, poor weather conditions and the declaration of war.

Price Changes

All prices quoted by us are based upon costs current as at the booking date.

If you have made your booking within 6 weeks of your event then we will do our best to ensure that there are no price changes although this cannot be guaranteed and we reserve the right to demand payment for any additional charges owing to the nature of the late booking. UNLESS, if you notify us of change in the number of people in your group then we unequivocally reserve the right to change the price of your Johnny Throws LTD event at any time to reflect extra costs incurred in transfers, group booking costs, administration etc.

Data Protection

By giving us your name and personal details you consent for these to be used as necessary in processing your booking and complying with legal requirements. This may also include providing your contact telephone number to suppliers connected with your booking so that they are able to reach you in the event of an emergency. We may also use your details to send you details of special offers from ourselves or other carefully selected companies – should you not want to receive these, please tell us. Your personal details will not be passed on to any other third parties.

Ethical Marketing

  1. Johnny Throws LTD occasionally carries out market research to gain a better understanding of our customers. Through this market research we hope to engage our stakeholders to get feedback about our product, our marketing, our social and environmental responsibility and our competitors. In order to carry out market research ethically we recognise our responsibility to obtain consumers’ voluntary, informed consent prior to participation and inform participants that they can withdraw from the research at any point.

2. When using market segmentation to make our marketing more appealing, relevant and timely to target markets we will not target vulnerable consumers. Vulnerable consumers are defined as those who are more susceptible to economic, physical or psychological harm as a result of economic transactions. They may have physical, cognitive or social characteristics that limit their judgement.

3. To ensure that our advertising is conducted ethically we will not use deceptive or misleading advertising. This includes:
3.1 Untruthful advertising which makes claims about the product that are untrue;
3.2 Exaggerated claims that are difficult to assess objectively;
3.3 Misleading comparative advertising.

4. So that our online marketing is conducted ethically we will
4.1 Ensure that all communications are clearly identifiable as commercial communication;
4.2 Clearly identify any conditions which must be met to qualify for promotional offers;
4.3 Clearly identify any conditions which must be met for any promotional competition or game.

We will not engage in:

4.4 Deceptive or disguised marketing, e.g. a commercial website posing as an information site;
4.5 Manipulation of online forums e.g. posing as a consumer to make comments about our company or a competitor.

We regularly reviews the accuracy and ethics of Johnny Throws LTD’ marketing, this includes SEO, social media, email and paid digital advertising.

Photography & Video

By making a booking with Johnny Throws LTD you agree that all images and video taken of you and your group by us at our events is the exclusive property of Johnny Throws LTD and may be used for promotional activities online and in print. If you do not wish Johnny Throws LTD to use these images and video, please notify us before the day of your event.

Our Website & Brochures

The descriptions and illustrations on any of our literature or our website are given as approximate representations only and given in good faith. In using our website, you agree to the following:

The Material may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. We make no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the Material or about the results to be obtained from using our Websites and the Material.

We do not guarantee that the Websites will operate error-free or that this Website and its server are free of computer viruses and other harmful material. If your use of the Website or the Material results in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data, we accept no responsibility for those costs.

Our Website may contain links to third party websites. These links are provided as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by us of the contents on such third party websites. We are not responsible for the content of linked third party sites and do not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of materials on such third party websites. Accessing linked third party websites is done at your own risk.

We may use the information we obtain relating to you, including your name, mailing address and e-mail address for our internal business and marketing purposes.

We do not regard submission of an enquiry form as confirmation of booking. You should first receive from us a confirmation email and booking reference number to ensure that your requirements can be met and to check availability.

Whilst provisional bookings can be made over the telephone, full confirmation of your booking must be made via the online booking service on our website. Upon receipt of this you will receive a booking reference number. In making a booking with us acceptance of our booking terms and conditions is understood and in the case of group bookings, that the person making the booking is responsible for making all members of his or her group aware of these conditions.

Our Liability

Provided that nothing in this condition shall operate so as to exclude our non-excludable liability in respect of death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or to affect your statutory rights as a consumer, or to exclude liability for fraudulent misrepresentation: we shall not be liable to you or your group in contract, tort (including without limitation negligence) and/or breach of statutory duty for any loss or damage which you or your group may suffer by reason of any act, omission, neglect or default (including negligence) in the performance of these conditions by us our servants or agents, in a sum which is greater than the price of your 

Johnny Throws LTD event and we shall not be liable to you or your group in contract, tort (including without limitation negligence) and/or breach of statutory duty for any loss of profits and/or less of production or any indirect or consequential (including economic) loss of any kind which you, your group, or any member of your group (including negligence) in the performance of these conditions by us our servants or agents.

Health & Safety

You and your group must undertake to comply with all instructions relating to your Johnny Throws LTD event received from us or any of our venues or services from time to time and to take such other steps sufficient to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that your Johnny Throws LTD event will at all times be safe and without risk to health. As a result, you will be asked to sign behaviour conduct forms prior to the commencement of your activity.


You are expected to respect your environment and other people around you throughout the duration of your Johnny Throws LTD event. All venues and/or services have every right to terminate, without notice, your activity under threat of vandalism, violence or any other behaviour deemed inappropriate by them. In such cases all insurances will be invalidated and you will not have any entitlement to a refund of any kind whatsoever. We accept no liability for any accident or misadventure that occurs while any of your group is under the influence of drink or drugs. We accept no liability for any damage caused by any member of your group and will provide your contact details to any venue or service seeking to claim compensation as a result of the actions of your party.


Should a customer wish to lodge a complaint, they must submit the complaint in writing to the Johnny Throws LTD management. In all instances where the complaint relates to a third party venue and/or service, the customer must first raise the issue directly with the venue and/or service, to provide them with a chance to rectify the situation.


These terms and conditions are in place to ensure the smooth running and enjoyment of your event. They are governed by English Law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

The following general conditions shall apply:

These conditions are personal to you and your group. You or your group shall not assign, transfer or charge your rights and responsibilities under these conditions or any of them, without our prior written consent.

The provisions of these conditions are severable and distinct from one another and, if at any time any of the provisions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of the other provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. The headings in these conditions are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of the agreement,

For the avoidance of doubt nothing in these conditions shall confer on any third party any benefit or the right to enforce any provision of these conditions.

“We”, “our” and “us” – Johnny Throws Ltd

“You”, “Client” – The person who has made the booking on behalf of the party

“Group” – All people travelling with the group

‘’venue’’, ‘’service’’ – referring to third party

“Booking Confirmation” – Details of your activity and other associated services together with pricing and payment information.

“Itinerary” – Detailed information relating to your activity, and other related services and subsequently confirmed within the booking confirmation.

“Contract” – The agreed programme, as detailed within the booking confirmation.